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Election Day Countdown


Designation by House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Demonstrates Depth of Nationwide Support for D’Esposito’s Campaign for Congress

In a nod to the mounting successes, winning poll numbers, and strong fundraising goals attained by Congressional Candidate Anthony D‘Esposito’s campaign, the current Hempstead Town Councilman was named a “Young Gun” by Congressional GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy earlier this week.  The designation, which comes with increased national support for D’Esposito’s campaign, both underscores the importance of the retired NYPD Detective’s and former volunteer fire chief’s bid to represent NY-04 in Congress, and demonstrates wide support for the Long Island native’s law-and-order message.

“I am proud to have been named a “Young Gun” by House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy,” said D’Esposito.  “I look forward to further collaborating with the national GOP team to win NY-04, flip the House, and provide the leadership that will make our families safer and reverse skyrocketing inflation. The new common-sense majority in Congress will be won here on Long Island’s South Shore.”

D‘Esposito is a lifelong public servant committed to bettering the lives of his neighbors.  As a Councilman, D‘Esposito has worked diligently to provide tax relief for the nearly 800,000 residents of the Town of Hempstead – cutting or freezing taxes in each of the last four township budgets.  Prior to serving on the Town Board, D‘Esposito was responsible for making nearly 700 arrests during his tenure in the NYPD, where he defended the public from violent criminals – retiring with pride as a Detective.  D‘Esposito’s record of public service also extends to the firehouse, where he protected the residents of his hometown while serving as Chief of the Island Park Fire Department.  Indeed, D ‘Esposito has a long history of working to safeguard the well-being of his community – he will bring this same ethos of lifelong service to Congress.

D‘Esposito’s campaign has so far channeled the frustrations of Long Islanders tired of the extreme agenda of socialists who have taken control of the Democrat Party.  AOC and the rest of the Squad have partnered with the President, bringing increased crime, revolving door justice, soaring inflation, disastrous policies on the international front and economic stagnation. D‘Esposito has pledged to take on the President’s out-of-touch agenda of the President, AOC and the Squad.  Indeed, the Congressional candidate’s plan has resonated with voters.  A March poll revealed D‘Esposito had commanding lead over his closest Democratic challenger by 12%. This strong community support for D‘Esposito’s common-sense, tough-on-crime message extended to recent fundraising numbers as well, with the former Detective receiving north of $550,000 from well-wishers in support of his bid to win back NY-04 from Democratic control.

“There is a real momentum on the ground with neighbors from all corners of the district tired of the inaction by Washington Democrats, and the unhinged, far-left radicals currently setting the agenda in the Biden Whitehouse,” said D‘Esposito.  “On day one in Congress, I will tell AOC and her “Squad” cronies that hardworking Americans are finished with their radical, America-last policies.”

With the support of a diverse array of community members, law enforcement organizations and patriots from across the nation, D‘Esposito is continuing to work tirelessly to ensure voters’ voices are heard in the halls of power in Washington D.C.  The added resources and campaign infrastructure included in D‘Esposito’s new “Young Gun” designation will help get D‘Esposito’s common sense, fiscally responsible, law-and-order message to an even wider subset of voters in NY-04 who are searching for an alternative to Joe Biden’s Democrats when they go to the polls on Election Day.

“On Election Day, the voices of everyday Americans will be heard at the ballot box here in NY-04,” said D‘Esposito.  “If you are tired of the callous disregard for our community that has been offered by the President, AOC, the Squad and extremes socialists who have taken control of Washington,  I ask for your vote, so I can fight to make things right for you and your family.”